Women’s Competitive Edge Over Their Male Counterparts There are a variety of factors that have led to the rise of women entrepreneurs: some societal, some technological, some the result of women’s natural tendencies. All these contributing factors have converged in a period of time that has created opportunity for women like no other point in history. The Changing Face of …
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Beware! Potential Indicators of Credit Card Fraud Card-not-present merchants face special challenges in the fight against fraud. Recent statistics paint an alarming picture. By the Numbers As more consumers turn to ecommerce for convenience, more criminals are drawn to ecommerce for their own gain. How can the merchant fight fraudulent activity and reduce chargebacks? Is there a process that can …
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Representment Recovers Lost Revenue and Improves the Merchant’s Reputation Chargeback representment gives the merchant the ability to dispute a chargeback filed by a consumer. The process serves many purposes, including recouping revenue and preventing future transaction disputes. Why Dispute the Chargeback? Merchants faced with a chargeback can either dispute or accept the revenue loss. Many times, a merchant only considers …
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Consumers Portray Retailer as Scam, but the Company is the True Victim As Katie Couric famously put it, “you can’t please everyone or make people like you.” That’s especially true when it comes to upholding an online presence or growing a brand. No matter who you are, you will always have critics. eCommerce brands don’t have the benefit of being …
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Learn From Your Mistakes: 10 Blunders Leaders Can’t Afford to Make Every quality leader makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, if you think you are innocent of wrongdoing, that’s your first mistake! There are two ways to gain wisdom: After falling down, brushing yourself off, and getting back on your feet Through education It is beneficial to learn …
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The Mysterious Thieves of the Business World Without a steady stream of revenue, a business will flounder. When funds mysteriously go missing, trouble is brewing. But what makes your hard-earned money slip through your fingers? Unfortunately, that is a question merchants often have trouble answering. The Mystery Solved I’ve personally worked with thousands of merchants. I oversee millions of credit …
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What is Friendly Fraud and How Does It Affect Merchants? Friendly fraud is a relatively new threat to ecommerce merchants. It steals revenue and, if not managed properly, can threaten the longevity of a business. Friendly Fraud Defined Friendly fraud is not actually friendly; the action derived its name from the type of person committing the fraud. Friendly fraud is …
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Anticipating Fraud During the EMV Card Transition What Merchants and Consumers Need to Know about EMV Fraud Trends In 2014, US retailers lost $32 billion to payment card fraud, a 38% increase from the $23 billion lost in 2013. LexisNexis went on to report this fraud loss is equivalent to 0.68% of revenue. Payment industry members are in the process …
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What Every Merchant Needs to Know About Chargebacks Sadly, there is a topic of discussion that is often omitted from conversations about business startups. Despite an ecommerce newbie’s best efforts to embark on a well-researched, carefully structured endeavor, there is one subject merchants know very little about. And that lack of knowledge can easily lead to a business’s demise. Chargebacks: …
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Gender equality in the workplace has been a well-publicized societal issue for decades. While some areas of the workforce are seeing an equalization between men and women, there is one field where women are woefully underrepresented. Monica Eaton recently sat down with John Barbanbas to discuss the shortage of female involvement in the tech industry. Current Barriers to Success During …
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